Annual Report 2022
2022 was a particularly difficult year for many people around the world. Especially in such times of crisis, cohesion and solidarity with the weakest are more important than ever. We would therefore like to thank all donors, supporters and project partners for their active support. Without their compassion and trust in our work, we would not have been able to provide access to quality education for many more children and young people around the world, despite often adverse conditions. In our Annual Report 2022, we will show you how we have already helped 280,000 children with our work. Have fun!
*in german language
Of every donated euro goes into our projects. This is because all administrative costs are paid for by PATRIZIA AG.
All projects and partnerships are set up to run for at least 25 years to ensure every invested euro has a lasting impact.
Construction work, digitalisation and partnerships
Yaoundé, Cameroon
PATRIZIA School Yaoundé was already selected as one of the pilot schools for the digitalisation project “Ready for the Future” in 2021. The Corona pandemic showed, however, that there is no hardware.
The challenges were not only the necessary hardware, but also basic knowledge on the part of most teachers in dealing with the technical means and didactic competences for child-centred learning. For all these challenges, “Ready for the Future” 2022 was able to achieve important breakthroughs. The progress of the applied pedagogical concept “Essence of Learning” (EoL) was evaluated. New priorities were set together with the school, such as the formation of an EoL group consisting of the school management and teachers. This way, the teaching and learning method can be passed on.
Ndanda, Tansania
PATRIZIA School Ndanda in Tanzania was founded in 2018 and already had 409 pupils. However, there were not enough classrooms to accommodate new grades. A new building with ten bright classrooms was needed, as well as improved sanitary facilities. After the internal audit and confirmation by the PATRIZIA Foundation board, the project could be launched at the beginning of 2022 together with the local partner, the Benedictine Abbey in Ndanda. Construction work began in August and the second floor of the building was almost completed by the end of the year.
The official completion of the project will take place at the end of April 2023, after which the school will be able to accommodate more than 650 children.
Peramiho, Tanzania
During the project trip to Tanzania in July 2021, it became apparent that the PATRIZIA School Peramiho urgently needs a new school kitchen. Together with the Missionary Benedictine Sisters, who run the school as a local partner, the old kitchen was demolished last year and replaced by a new one. It was completed in December 2023, so that the 325 pupils of the secondary school can once again be provided with hot school meals.
Thembalitsha Educare
Special thanks go to the Bernhard Waldinger Foundation, which supported us with 50,000 EURO in 2022. The funds provided by the Bernhard Waldinger Foundation through the PATRIZIA Foundation have enabled the Thembalitsha Foundation to maintain the daily operations of the three day care centres Agape, Thembani and Graceland. The grants have been used, among other things, to provide daily meals, health check-ups and training for teachers.
Sondoveni, Peru
Although the construction planning for the expansion of PATRIZIA School Sondoveni had already been completed by mid-2021 and the construction work had been put out to tender for months, the project stalled for a long time. This was due on the one hand to the remote location of the school, and on the other hand to the special structural features of the planned buildings. Travel restrictions due to the Corona pandemic also led to delays in project implementation. But in March 2022, project manager Ralf Knoche was finally able to travel to Peru and win the organisation “Semillas”, an NGO of architects, for the implementation of the complex project. In July 2022, the construction work began. It was particularly important to order the required wood quickly. Thanks to the professional implementation under the management of “Semillas” and the close cooperation with the cooperation partner apoprojekt, it was possible to celebrate a topping-out ceremony with the local stakeholders in December 2022. Despite the initial crisis, the project developed into a showcase project in the Peruvian rainforest thanks to the great commitment of all partners. In April 2023, the school extension was completed.
Project trips as an instrument of foundation work
Understanding local needs, strengthening partnerships and
Carry out evaluations – trips to the projects have always been
an important part of the PATRIZIA Foundation’s work. The trips took our project managers and partners to Uganda, Cameroon and Rwanda in 2022.
Measurable impact worldwide
In Tanzania, the PATRIZIA Foundation’s new impact monitoring system has passed its practical test. After a final fine-tuning, it will be used in all KinderHaus projects.
Social engagement via building blocks
The PATRIZIA Foundation offers companies a comprehensive overall package for the “S” of their ESG strategy. In 2022, our foundation has developed many new offerings for partners from the business community and now offers an attractive portfolio of projects around Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 (= Quality Education). Each and every one of our “KinderHaus” projects makes an important contribution to ensuring that more children and young people have access to sustainable education and a self-determined life. Are you also looking for reliable and competent support for an ESG partnership? You can find more information on our website. You can also book an appointment directly here!
Corporate volunteering actions 2022 for education worldwide
At the interface of corporate volunteering and fundraising, important synergies arise for the employer branding of the PATRIZIA Foundation’s partner companies. Whether it is a sporting challenge, a charity event or the pilot project “Digital Classroom”: All these activities not only tackle the causes of poverty, but also create strong added value for the companies that stand closely alongside our Foundation. For companies that implement corporate volunteering activities, there are many advantages in the labour market. They present themselves as an attractive employer, find passionate employees and have the opportunity to write unique stories. Four stories from 2022 for your inspiration:
130.000 € for Songea
Last year, the second hike was for a good cause. This time for the PATRIZIA Primary School in Songea in Tanzania: a two-day hike through the Bavarian Alps with 50 participants from various PATRIZIA locations and sponsors with a fundraising goal of 100,000 euros for Songea. Thanks to the great commitment of all participants and their generous willingness to donate, the goal was even exceeded: in the end, 130,000 euros were raised for Songea. Now the new building of our primary school in Songea is completely financed and enables over 500 children a year to receive a primary education.
A team of 49 employees
The PATRIZIA Foundation’s third Remote Run raised 2737 euros for the construction of a playground for the PATRIZIA School Yaoundé. The charity run organised by Christina Lutz and volunteers attracted 148 participants in its third year. The 49 employees of PATRIZIA SE were among the teams with the most participants, followed by Golisch Immobilien with 22 participants. With their participation, all those registered support the project to redesign the 400 m² concrete schoolyard of the PATRIZIA School Yaoundé. All proceeds will go 100% to the playground project.
54,000 km on the bike
Together with many volunteers, we showed our support for the refugee children and young people from Ukraine with our PATRIZIA Ride under the motto “Together for Solidarity – Cycle for Ukraine”. A total of 235 cyclists from 21 countries took part in the corporate volunteering campaign and cycled 54,000 km together. With proceeds and donations of 6,800 euros, the Cycling Challenge was able to contribute to the EduCare Europe Fund to provide care and trauma support. New last year was that companies could also register as a group and collect team kilometres in the spirit of corporate volunteering.
First benefit concert
ith a sold-out benefit concert and an accompanying Christmas market in the courtyard of the church, we were able to raise another 35,000 euros for the benefit of Ukrainian refugee children in Augsburg. Our special thanks go to Konrad Finkenzeller and his partner Christine Eckert for their generous commitment. “Solidarity through music” was the motto of the evening with the world-famous Regensburger Domspatzen. We are proud that we can help the refugee children to settle in their new home as quickly as possible, to find a connection and to regain access to education.
Outlook: Giving children a future together
La Isla Hiking Challenge
Together with the PATRIZIA office in Madrid, this year’s Hiking Challenge takes place in Spain under the motto “La Isla Hiking Challenge”. Numerous locations will participate and collect 130,000 euros in advance, which will benefit our PATRIZIA School Sondoveni in Peru. Companies that want to support the Challenge can place their logo on the T-shirts and the foundation’s website.
Step Up for Education Challenge
In June 2023, the first Step Up for Education Challenge will take place – an extension of #patriziaride, as the distance can now be covered not only on a bike but also while running or climbing stairs. The proceeds will go to our PATRIZIA School Yaoundé in Cameroon. We are looking forward to many participants! For companies, the Challenge is an ideal opportunity for team building.
With the PATRIZIA Child Care Mymensingh project in Bangladesh, the PATRIZIA Foundation and its partner MATI e.V. have planned a particularly forward-looking facility. The innovative project offers 80 children between the ages of 1.5 and 6 not only care, but also high-quality early childhood education. In addition to the rooms for child care, flats, a health centre with a pharmacy, a seminar room and a shop selling products from an organic farmers’ cooperative are to be integrated into the building.
The special feature: The rental income from the various uses of the building will benefit the childcare facility and thus ensure sustainable and largely independent operation, so that many children from financially disadvantaged families can be accommodated there. The shell of the building is to be completed by 2024. Then the children can look forward to age-appropriate and professional care that promotes their natural development through play.
Domspatzen concert
After the successful benefit concert with the Regensburger Domspatzen in December 2022, another concert will be held on 16 December 2023. The concert will take place in Frankfurt. We are looking forward to a Christmas evening in a contemplative atmosphere. For all friends of the PATRIZIA Foundation, a get-together is planned afterwards at the PATRIZIA office in Frankfurt.