

Building better futures.

Education is everyone’s right.

Every morning when Nima starts her 45-minute walk through the mountains of Nepal to PATRIZIA School Dhoksan, there’s a smile on her face. Nima knows that for her and her family, this is a golden opportunity to break out of the vicious circle of poverty.

Education, health care and welfare are the keys to a better life, the basis of long-term human development – not only from a political standpoint, but also in social, cultural and economic terms. Education adds value for generations. Nima is just one of a very small number of children who receive the chance to enjoy an education.


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Worldwide, more than 258 million children are unable to attend school. Our goal at the PATRIZIA Foundation is to make it possible for children and young adults to receive education, health care and welfare. All over the world. You can also help us achieve this.


Of every donated pound goes into our projects. This is because all administrative costs are paid for by PATRIZIA SE.

All projects and partnerships are set up to run for at least 25 years to ensure every invested euro has a lasting impact.


We conduct all our projects and partnerships on an eye-level basis, focusing on respect and effective cooperation.

New partnership: PATRIZIA Foundation and MiSST

We are happy to announce the partnership of PATRIZIA Foundation and MiSST, transforming young peoples lives through classical music education. MiSST (Music in Secondary School Trust) currently works with 29 schools in the UK. Working in schools that serve disadvantaged and often challenging communities, MiSST provides each child not only with their own classical instrument and allows children to experience the world of classical music, it has been proven to increase confidence, communication skills, aspirations and general life skills allowing each MiSST student to fulfil their potential.

UK Launch

Chamonix Adventure Challenge

For the fourth year in a row, the PATRIZIA Hiking Challenge will take place in support of the PATRIZIA Foundation. From September 15th to 18th, 2024, we’ll embark on a two-day hike through the heart of Europe.

Over the past three years, we’ve raised over €360,000 for projects in Uganda, Tanzania, and Peru – thanks to numerous supporters and sponsors.

Our ambitious goal for 2024 is to raise €200,000 for the PATRIZIA School Bafia in Central Cameroon. Learn more and support us on our Hiking Challenge info page!

official picture for the hiking challenge 2024

Our projects

Hearts4Change: Education that comes from the heart

With Hearts4Change, we have created an extraordinary campaign with the help of which we want to open up access to education, health care and welfare for a total of one million children by 2030. Having already reached our first milestone of over 750,000 children, the proceeds from the campaign will go towards realising this ambitious vision.

Through your support of Hearts4Change, you are a true “person of the heart” for us. Your donation, regardless of the amount, symbolises your commitment to the future of children and our special initiative.

Ambassadors of Hearts4Change

Portrait Mario Götze mit herzförmigen orangefarbigen Luftballon

Mario Götze

Athlete and business angel


Portrait Eva Weber mit einem herzförmigen orangefarbigen Luftballon

Eva Weber

Mayor of Augsburg


Botschafterin von Hearts4Change der PATRIZIA Foundation

Sandra Peetz-Rauch

Chairwoman of the Board of Stadtsparkasse Augsburg


Halil Altintop<br />

Halil Altintop

Former sporting director FC Bayern Campus


Ready for the Future

To ensure children even have access to education, health care and welfare in times of crisis, an innovative digitalisation project is currently being implemented. This is where our project currently stands in three pilot countries: Cameroon, Nepal and Rwanda. In all three countries we are implementing our ‘ready for the future’ concept. Later on down the line the concept will be used in as many places as possible at PATRIZIA Foundation KinderHaus facilities.

With your support, we can implement all kinds of similar projects and ensure that even more children and young people receive education, health care and welfare– at all times.

Your company for education worldwide

Together with small and large partners from the business world, we implement exciting educational projects around the world and give local people the basis for a self-determined life. Let’s work together to create educational infrastructures where they are needed most.

With its Kinderhaus facilities, the PATRIZIA Foundation offers companies various opportunities to implement comprehensive ESG strategies. We would be happy to work with you to find a project that suits your company.

Patrizia School Sondoveni Peru Nikolaus Moser

We would like to thank our supporters and partners:

Successful partnerships with local organisations

For 25 years, the PATRIZIA Foundation has been setting up educational infrastructure where it is needed most. The key expertise of the foundation lies in planning and building schools, shelters and medical facilities. All projects are organised and run in close cooperation with local partners. Every PATRIZIA KinderHaus facility is operated by our partners for at least 25 years. This is because we want to make a difference in the long term and foster the development of independent communities.

This also ensures your donation has an impact today and in the future.

Stories of change

 The PATRIZIA Foundation has been able to tell over 750.00 tales of happy children and young people since it was set up in 1999 – stories about children who received an education, health care and welfare thanks to the facilities supported by the foundation, also opening the doors of opportunity to a life of self-determination.

You can also help the PATRIZIA Foundation write more stories of change!

You too can write stories of change together with the PATRIZIA Foundation!

Transparency at the PATRIZIA Foundation

Logo Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen
Logo Deutscher Fundraising Verband
Logo Deutscher Spendenrat e.V.
Logo Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft