FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
On this page we answer the questions that the PATRIZIA Foundation team receives most frequently. If your questions are not included, we will be happy to help you personally. To do this, contact us via the e-mail address info[at]]patrizia.foundation.

Questions about the facilities
In what ways is the foundation different from other NGOs working in the field of child education?
Our aim is to operate facilities together with our local partners for at least 25 years. This obligation applies to both parties when we set up a new facility – not just us, but also local stakeholders. This is because we want to make a difference in the long term and foster the development of independent communities.
Furthermore: 100 percent of every donated euro goes into our projects. This is because all administrative costs are paid for by PATRIZIA AG.
Which children are provided with support?
The schools supported by the foundation offer teaching to children who would otherwise have little or no access to education. This is determined by local or socio-economic factors. The age of the schoolchildren and students we help varies, ranging from kindergarten children to vocational students depending on the facility.
What teaching methods are used at PATRIZIA facilities?
Which pedagogical methods to use at which school is decided by the local partners that run each facility. We are happy to draw on our expertise and help you in this area – for example as part of our Ready for the Future project by organising workshops and training.
How do PATRIZIA KinderHaus facilities promote girls’ education?
As a matter of principle, we are committed to educational opportunities regardless of gender. Some facilities were established specifically for girls, however, such as PATRIZIA Child Care Porayar in India (which includes a home for 5- to 17-year-old girls from socially disadvantaged families in need) and PATRIZIA School Peramiho in Tanzania (which has a dormitory at the girls’ school).
Do PATRIZIA facilities also offer secondary/adult education after elementary/primary school?
The PATRIZIA Foundation has also built facilities for further education. These include both secondary schools and vocational schools. The PATRIZIA Vocational Training Centre in the Rwandan town of Ntarama is an apprenticeship centre for young adults.
Are sustainability factors taken into account when building KinderHaus facilities?
They most certainly are! We and our local partners use sustainable materials for construction purposes. One example of a sustainable development is the extension at PATRIZIA School Dhoksan in Nepal – many of the materials were donated after being originally used in houses destroyed by the earthquake (windows, bricks), or they were made by the villagers themselves (compressed clay).
Questions about donations and funding
What proportion of money goes towards the work being carried out on projects?
Because PATRIZIA AG meets all of the administration costs of the PATRIZIA Foundation, 100 per cent of every donated euro goes towards our projects.
How much is spent on administration per year?
In the 2021 financial year (January to December in Germany), our administration costs amounted to €800.000. These included all expenses incurred for administration at the foundation, particularly fundraising activities, which are required to convey an appropriate image to the outside world and reach out to potential donors. In general: It should be noted that the financial contributions made by PATRIZIA AG all of these expenses in full.
Is it possible to donate to specific projects?
On our donation form you can choose the purpose for current projects. However, a general donation helps us to use the money where it is needed most.
When will I be sent a receipt of donations for tax purposes?
In Germany, it is permitted to submit donations of €300 or less to the competent tax authority without requiring an official certificate (confirmation of charitable donation). Simply provide evidence of a bank transfer (e.g. deposit slip or bank statement). Despite this, we will automatically send you a receipt for charitable donations of €50 or more, provided we have your current address. If you did not provide an address when making your donation, you can still request a donation certificate by writing to  info@patrizia.foundation.
Can I also support the PATRIZIA Foundation with a donation in kind?
For our work and your contributions to have the greatest impact, it is more effective to support the PATRIZIA Foundation and children in our care by making financial donations. The foundation would therefore ask for refrain from donations in kind.
Who monitors transparency?
As a member of the Transparent Civil Society Initiative and the German Donations Council, the PATRIZIA Foundation is committed to the utmost transparency. Accordingly, we voluntarily undergo independent annual audits.
We would like to inform our donors, partners and supporters comprehensively about our work. Detailed information on all projects can be found on our website and in the annual and financial reports.
Questions about the CSR partnership with the PATRIZIA Foundation
What benefits does the PATRIZIA Foundation offer to its CSR Partners?
By becoming an official CSR Partner, you assume social responsibility for education projects. This allows you to offer children and young people worldwide an important chance to enjoy equal opportunities. You may also use your CSR project for campaigns, and the foundation is happy to support you with this. As a CSR Partner, in future you will also be able to use the my.patrizia.foundation partnership platform, not only offering 24-7 access to up-to-date information on your project, but also allowing you to manage content for your CSR campaigns (images, stories and news). CSR partners can also become involved in individual corporate volunteering programmes, which are underpinned by PR materials, media content and a range of services for marketing campaigns and communication.
Questions about cooperation
Where can I find information about job openings or the opportunities to do internships/study placements at the foundation?
The latest information on vacancies can be found by clicking on Careers on the PATRIZIA website, or by visiting websites such as Stepstone and LinkedIn.
Can I/we also help with projects? Is it possible to help with facilities on site?
Unfortunately this is not possible for private individuals. Partners and their employees can become actively involved in the construction of a facility as part of a CSR project. We also arrange corporate volunteering programmes to allow sponsors to become directly involved. What’s important is that these programmes can only be arranged during the construction phase – not for our work directly with the children. This is because our project partners and their employees are the education experts.
In what ways can I support the Foundation as a volunteer?
You can support the foundation as a fundraiser or multiplier. We would be happy to arrange an appointment to discuss the possibilities.