The Transparent Civil Society initiative
PATRIZIA KinderHaus Wolfgang Egger Stiftung für Kinder und Jugendliche in aller Welt is a supporter and participant in the Transparent Civil Society Initiative. On the initiative of Transparency Germany, numerous actors from civil society and academia have defined ten fundamental points that every civil society organisation should make accessible to the public. In accordance with these guidelines, please find below the necessary information on PATRIZIA KinderHaus – Wolfgang Egger Stiftung für Kinder und Jugendliche in aller Welt (the PATRIZIA ‘children’s home foundation set up by Wolfgang Egger for children and young people all over the world’), which the PATRIZIA Foundation administers in trust as a dependent foundation.

1. Name, address and year of establishment
Name: PATRIZIA KinderHaus – Wolfgang Egger Stiftung für Kinder und Jugendliche in aller Welt
Address: Fuggerstrasse 26, 86150 Augsburg, Germany.
Year of foundation: 1999
Astrid Gabler
Anschrift: Fuggerstraße 26, 86150 Augsburg
+49 821 50910-474
2. Statutes
Articles of Association Transparency
Vision, Mission Statement and Values: Vision & Mission
3. Date of notice of exemption
PATRIZIA KinderHaus – Wolfgang Egger Stiftung für Kinder und Jugendliche in aller Welt (PATRIZIA Children’s House – Wolfgang Egger Foundation for Children and Young People All Over the World) is recognised as serving charitable and benevolent purposes according to the annex to the corporation tax assessment 2018-2020 of the Augsburg City Tax Office dated 13.10.2021, tax number 103/147/10717, and is exempt from corporation tax according to § 5 paragraph 1 no. 9 of the Corporation Tax Act (KStG) and from trade tax according to § 3 no. 6 of the Trade Tax Act (GewStG). It is confirmed that the donation will only be used for the promotion of beneficiary purposes within the meaning of § 52 paragraph 2 sentence 1 nos. 4, 7 and 10 of the AO in Germany and abroad.
4. Name and function of decision-makers
5. Activity report
See the current Annual Report 2022
6. Personnel structure
See the current Annual Report 2022
7. Information on sources of funds
See the current Annual Report 2022
8. Affiliated third parties:
See the current Annual Report 2022
9. Name of legal entities (contribution of more than 10% of total annual revenues)
See the current Annual Report 2022
10. Names of legal entities whose annual donations (incl. contributions, service fees, charges, project funds, donations, etc) account for more than ten per cent of our total annual income. Details of corresponding donations from natural persons will be published following their consent, but will in any case be marked as ‘major donations from private individuals’.
PATRIZIA Group, Fuggerstrasse 26, 86150 Augsburg, Germany