PATRIZIA Vocational Training Centre Bumthang

The Kingdom of Bhutan – Land of the peaceful thunder dragon, surrounded by the majestic mountains of the Himalayas. Here, ‘happiness’ is enshrined in the constitution, as the only ‘climate-positive’ country in the world uses Gross National Happiness as an official measure of progress.

Despite the ongoing efforts of the Royal Government of Bhutan, the small South Asian country between China and India is facing major challenges: During the COVID-19 pandemic, unemployment among young Bhutanese workers has almost doubled. In the hard-to-reach areas of eastern and central Bhutan, there are insufficient vocational training programmes, resulting in many young people having little chance of learning a skilled trade.

Bhutan -Land of the peaceful thunder

Statistically 26% of young women in Bhutan do not attend secondary school due to social & economic reasons. The lack of viable employment and economic prospects has exacerbated the situation wherein many young Bhutanese choose to seek their financial fortune abroad, especially in Australia.

Few vocational training programmes, many school dropouts

In the rural district of Bumthang located in the central region of the kingdom, there are more than 2,000 school dropouts per year, the vast majority of whom are female. Many girls grow up with little to no prospects, as there are insufficient vocational educational or training opportunities for them in the region.

At the PATRIZIA Vocational Training Centre Bumthang, young people are given the chance of a self-determined future. High-quality training, support and accommodation give the children and young people the opportunity to gain a vocational qualification so that they can pursue their dream job and shape their own lives.

“Our aim is to set up a training centre that provides young people with vocational qualifications in crafts such as weaving and felting. This way, we want to give them the opportunity to shape their future independently.”



Uwe Dräger,
German Bhutan Himalaya Society, Bhutan expert and advisor for the project

100% of your donation goes directly to our project in Bhutan.

Gyalyum Sangay Choden Wangchuck

Royal Patronage of Her Majesty Gyalyum Sangay Choden Wangchuck 

The project is under the royal patronage of Her Majesty Gyalyum Sangay Choden Wangchuck, the Queen Mother of Bhutan. Her organisation Gyalyum Charitable Trust, which represents the Queen Mother’s charitable foundations as an umbrella organisation, and the implementation partner RENEW (Respect, Educate, Nurture and Empower Women), an organisation that promotes women and children in Bhutan, have specifically selected the PATRIZIA Foundation as the exclusive project partner for the implementation of this major project.    

In addition, the Bhutanese government has prioritised the creation of productive and profitable jobs. Close cooperation with the relevant ministries ensures governmental acceptance and enables the training programmes are adapted to current needs in the country.  

Education for the youth of Bhutan   

The education project aims to reach over 1,000 children and young adults every year: 

  • Young people between the ages of 13 and 15 will receive vocational guidance and preparatory courses to help them select and qualify for training programmes.  
  • Young people aged between 16 and 24, many of whom have dropped out of school, will receive training or can attend vocational courses.  
  • Pupils from distant regions and up to 20 children from difficult family backgrounds will find accommodation and support. 
  • The vocational training centre offers basic training in textiles, food processing, floriculture, arts and crafts and product design.  
  • Supplementary training is offered in entrepreneurship, information and communication technology and environmental education, as well as in Bhutanese handicrafts and herbalism. 
Young people in Bhutan

A sustainable plan

Several buildings with a total of around 4,000 square metres of usable space will be constructed on a site covering almost 2 hectares acres.

Training and classrooms, recreation rooms and dormitories, multi-purpose rooms and an administration building will be built using ecological construction methods and a sustainable energy supply.   

Plan of the Vocational Training Centre

A bright future for Lhamo

Lhamo (name changed), a 15-year-old girl, dreams of becoming a florist. But the reality is different. The commute to her school is long and dangerous. Lhamo has to walk steep paths and often arrives exhausted, only to find poorly equipped classrooms and underpaid teachers. The cost of uniforms and school materials is an additional burden on her family’s finances. Lhamo knows that her chances of getting a good education are slim – because there are no opportunities for girls to learn a trade in the entire Bumthang region. Lhamo drops out of school. Her only prospect for the future: an early marriage. 

Bhutanese girl

“Help girls like Lhamo to shape their own future. Your donation helps to give young people real prospects for the future.”



Christina Eisenberg,
Head of Fundraising and Communications

Lighthouse project for the entire region

The PATRIZIA Vocational Training Centre Bumthang is a unique opportunity for Bhutanese children and young people and will have a positive impact on the entire region as a lighthouse project. The PATRIZIA Foundation has completed a thorough needs assessment and feasibility study for this project and has built strong partnerships with national and local authorities and communities.  

However, for this project to be successful, we need additional funding partners. Support this education project in Bhutan and commit to the future of young people. 

Donate now for a self-determined future for young people in Bhutan!


Framework Partner


(Gyalyum Charitable Trust)

Implementing Partner


(Respect, Educate, Nurture and Empower Women)

Would you like to find out more about this special project?

Carol Gillanders is looking forward to hearing from you!

Carol Gillanders
Director PATRIZIA Foundation UK
+44 7825 654325

Stiftungsmitglied Carol Gillanders PATRIZIA Foundation