The title of this magazine reflects our foundation work. This is because, as we’re seeing in the coronavirus pandemic, pulling together is now more important than ever. Even though many of us are still separated from each other by lockdown restrictions, or having to work from home, it is becoming particularly clear right now that only together can we make a real difference.
It is important for us to actively keep in touch and do whatever we can to support our local partners. Thanks to our coronavirus relief fund we have been able to provide much-needed emergency assistance and we will continue to do so in order
to prepare schools for reopening and children get back access to education. The article “Back to School” shows how our KinderHaus facilities experienced the school closures.
Other exciting topics in this issue: the digital classroom concept, which we are implementing at three pilot schools, and an expert article, which focuses on the quality of education and the United Nations sustainability goals, in particular the SDG4, the educational goal.
In addition, in the magazine we give insights into the volunteering activities of PATRIZIAns, who are very committed to the foundation, as well as in events for our sponsors and an exciting art project in Frankfurt.
We are very curious to hear your opinion on the new edition. Please give us your feedback, either by email to or via our feedback form.
The foundation team hopes you enjoy reading the new magazine!