PATRIZIA Foundation goes Tough Mudder

PATRIZIA Foundation goes Tough Mudder

PATRIZIAns Take on Tough Mudder to Support the PATRIZIA Foundation! On May 10th, ten fearless PATRIZIAns will take on the Tough Mudder West London, pushing their limits over 15 km and 20 obstacles—all for a greater purpose. This isn’t just a challenge of endurance;...
PATRIZIA Foundation celebrates its 25th anniversary

PATRIZIA Foundation celebrates its 25th anniversary

On 22 December 1999, Wolfgang Egger created the PATRIZIA KinderHaus Foundation with a bold vision: to provide children worldwide with access to education, healthcare, and a safe home. Before that, he had already demonstrated his deep commitment to social causes – as...
PATRIZIA Foundation launches in the UK

PATRIZIA Foundation launches in the UK

The PATRIZIA Foundation has expanded its global reach supporting children in need by launching in the UK, with Lord and Lady Lloyd Webber as official Ambassadors of the PATRIZIA Foundation. The launch event took place at PATRIZIA’s new headquarters in...
First Foundation Talk – Frankfurt

First Foundation Talk – Frankfurt

Support disadvantaged children and adolescents worldwide; define goals and the challenges of international foundation work – these were the topics looked at during the first Foundation Talk of the PATRIZIA Foundation on 12 September in Frankfurt. The exclusive event...
Snacks & Drinks@PATRIZIA Foundation

Snacks & Drinks@PATRIZIA Foundation

We welcomed numerous friends, interested parties and sponsors to the first ‘Snacks & Drinks@PATRIZIA Foundation’ on 24 April 2024. At the PATRIZIA SE premises in Augsburg, we were able to take a deep dive into our newly opened children’s home in Bangladesh....